Monday, October 20, 2008

Everyone loves a silhouette... oh yes they do

Watch out for the latest issue of Idealog Magazine coming to the stores this week, there is a 7page article on fashion week, featuring designer Cybele Wirren, I did the photography for it. There are some other images on my website from the World show: Click here to see Lookleft


After a brief time in hiatus, the shooters emerge again. This was our first outing where the sun was still in the sky - and we are still alive so at least that proves we are not vampires. Shooting in twilight should make a nice transition from our usual activities under the cloak of darkness. And for those still sratching their heads at the 'Caribou' reference - the answers you seek are here

Spring is a Panorama

Fine! Alright! Sam said i hand to right three full sentences. Firstly this weeks entry is bought to you by the letter B. B for borrowed. Which was the camera i used. B for barnacle, which i nearly tripped and fell into the sea on. (With said borrowed camera). Thats actually not true, but i wanted to say barnacle. As in beardy blue Bears, bloody bright burnished barnacles. Lastly, N for narcissism, for lookleft's shameless self promotion. :P